Permastop® Building Blanket

Product Code


  • Provides excellent thermal insulation properties, keeping homes and buildings cooler in summer and warmer in winter.
  • Minimises the risk of condensation.
  • Reduces energy usage to deliver cost savings.
  • Excellent acoustic properties – reduces rain noise.
  • Faced with industry leading Sisalation® reflective foil laminate in your choice of Light, Medium or Heavy duty strength.
  • Available in customised lengths to improve installation efficiencies.
  • FBS-1 Glasswool Bio-Soluble Insulation® – safe to use.
  • Codemark™ certified.
  • Manufactured from up to 80% recycled content.
  • Satisfies Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) requirements of 0-40 in roof applications and 0-FZ in wall applications (in accordance with AS 3959 – 2009).
  • Australian made.
Sisalation® Foil Facing Material R-value
Nominal thickness
m² per roll Product code
Sisalation® Light Duty

Group no.1  AS5637*

R1.3 55 1200 15 18.00 912150
1200 20 24.00 912200
R1.4 60 1200 15 18.00 910150
R1.4 60 1200 20 24.00 910200
R1.8 75 1200 15 18.00 913150
R2.3 100 1200 10 12.00 914163
R2.5 100 1200 10 12.00 914100
R3.0 130 1200 10 12.00 930100
R3.2 130 1200 10 12.00 930101
R3.6 130 1200 7 7.80 930360
Sisalation® Medium Duty

Group no.2  AS5637*

R1.3 55 1200 15 18.00 917150
R1.4 60 1200 15 18.00 910151
R1.8 75 1200 15 18.00 918150
R2.3 100 1200 10 12.00 911471
R2.5 100 1200 10 12.00 919100
R3.0 130 1200 10 12.00 931100
R3.2 130 1200 10 12.00 930201
R3.6 130 1200 7 7.80 930362
Sisalation® Heavy Duty

Group no.2  AS5637*

R1.3 55 1200 15 18.00 927150
R1.4 60 1200 15 18.00 910152
R1.8 75 1200 15 18.00 928150
R2.3 100 1200 10 12.00 928163
R2.5 100 1200 10 12.00 929100
R3.0 130 1200 10 12.00 932100
R3.2 130 1200 10 12.00 930301
R3.6 130 1200 7 7.80 930364
Permastop® Product brochure Download
Permastop® Building Blanket Technical Data Sheet Download
Permastop® CodeMark™ Certificate Download
FBS-1 Glasswool Bio-soluble Insulation® SUIS Download
Sisalation® Foil Membranes SUIS Download
Installation Guidelines Permastop® Building Blanket Download
Roof Assurance System Brochure Download